Tuesday 12 October 2010

Comparison: Manhattan Pro Mat Top Coat vs. Essence Matt Top Coat

Hello everyone! Today I have a comparison for you. I've gotten some positive feedback in one of previous posts on Manhattan vs. Essence top coats comparison, so it'll go first! 

I wanted to do it at least with two colours, as it happens, I did it with three, when preparing another comparison.

This is with O.P.I. Nevermore. Mani is a few days old, so there is a bit of tip-wear. 

 This is on direct sunlight, with my thumb being the "original" Nevermore.

 Close-up on the sun.

Close-up inside.

Other comparison is done on O.P.I. Pamplona Purple and Catrice Plum Play With Me. It's the second comparison I have in store, but just couldn't resist trying the matt top coats on them. I've applied it so one colour gets both top coats. Excuse my application, these two are PITA, but more about that with their comparison.

 This is outisde, on direct sunlight. 


Again inside. 

The matt effect: I think is already obvious from the pictures, true matt effect comes with Essence matt top coat. Manhattan still has a bit of glossy finish, actually satin finish would be correct, I think. It's a nice finish, I like it, especially with sparkly nail polish like Nevermore, I also tried it out on Halley's Comet in it turned out really awesome. But not matt. Also by touch Essence dries up to a bit rough finish, while Manhattan is still smooth and polishy.

Other factors: 
Brush: Manhattan beats Essence, no doubt. It's a wider, flatter brush, reminds me of O.P.I. and really makes handling with matt topcoat easier. It's faster, because you have enough polish on your brush, being large, and one stroke can be enough. Essence gave me trouble on my middle finger (being the biggest of my nails), I had visible strokes and had to fix it. 

Dry speed: both extremely fast, but Essence is faster. Maybe Manhattan would be easier to do matt konad with then? 

Quantity and price: Manhattan 11 ml for around 4€, Essence 8 ml for around 2€ (both are a bit under the number, Manhattan 3,95€ I think, and Essence 1,89€).

Bottles: I like shapes of nail-polish bottles, so I'm paying attention to those too. Essence bottle is boring, I'm sorry, it really is. Manhattan has it's typical shape, but the handle doesn't make your job with applying easier, so that's not really a good thing, is it?

In actual matt effect Essence is in my opinion the winner. Since I want the true matt effect, I'd definitively go with Essence, but if it had Manhattan's brush, it would just be perfect. Or if Manhattan actually dried matt, not satin. Oh well. 

Did you like the comparison? I'm looking forward to your opinions, because I'm not sure, if I tried it out on enough different finishes to do the right judgement. If you have any special wishes, on which n-p to try both on (I dunno, glitter, holo, a special shade etc.), let me know!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Jup, perfektno si naredila in izredno lepo se vidi, da je Essence mat, Manhattan pa bolj satenast. ;) "Naši Gejbi" bo verjetno Manhattan všeč. :) Meni pa je Essence boljši,ker imam rada pravi mat finiš. Sicer pa se praktično v vseh pogledih s teboj strinjam (stekleničke, čopič ...). Čeprav mi je čopič od Essence všeč, je pri mat lakih lažje, če je čopič širši. Pri Manhattnovih stekleničkah-čopiču me moti edino to, da je vrat stekleničke preozek v primerjavi s čopičem. Tako vedno kaj popacam vrat, česar pa ne maram. :(

    Hvala za primerjavo!!! :*

  2. Oho, Pamplona Purple zgleda super z mat nadlakom. :O Moram poskusit,zdaj imam tudi jaz ta Essence. Sem imela pa prav, da ima Plum Play vec modre kot Pamplona - nista si prevec podobna.:P

    Btw, Choose me! je tudi ze v nasem DM na Vicu pobran... :/

  3. Ja imam Essenceov mat topcoat i stvarno sam jako zadovoljna, a koliko vidim i po fotkama vise mi se svidja nego Manhattan, to ipak nije bas jako mat

  4. Jaz imam tega od Essence, samo mi je Manhattan tudi zanimiv!


  5. Maestra, hvala tebi za feedback v tistem prispevku. :D To je pa res, sem tudi jaz opazila, pa pozabila omenit, Manhattnov ozek vrat, točno! Se mi je enkrat čopiček prav fino zadel v rob vratu, joj.

    Kaneli, jap, mislim, da še nisem tako hudo sfalila pri iskanju dvojnikov. :D Zelo zelo sta si različna.

    Lendoxia, da, slažem se, i meni se ćini Essence puno bolji!

    Katja, je zanimiv, če hočeš doseči satenast efekt, ja, ki je meni prav tako všeč. :D

    Hvala za komentarje! :)

  6. Vau, M ima krasen finiš. Imam sicer Essence in Essie MAY, ampak nekako sta mi ljubša po kakšnem dnevu, ko izgine popoln mat videz.
    Upam si trditi, da bi podobnega dobile, če bi zmešale mat nadlak in manjšo količino kakšnega navadnega nadlaka. Treba bo poskusiti. :D

    Super prispevek, Ulmiel.

  7. lep:)....čeprav imam raje svetlikajoče lake:) ...ta matte look me ni prepričal:)

  8. Meri, si bolj ljubiteljica saten finiša, po opisu sodeč? Potem sumim, da bi ti bil Manhattan zelo všeč. :) Sicer pa ne vem, kako so nadlaki z mešanjem, imam občutek, da so bolj muhasti kot navadni laki ... če ti uspe, poročaj, prosim! :)

    Pink_Diamond, dobrodošla na blogu! :) Jaz imam oboje zelo rada, ampak mi kar ustreza tako dober izdelek poceni Essence, ker za mat finiš ne bi bila pripravljena dati več, tako da sem tudi bolj ljubiteljica ostalih finišev. :)

    Hvala za komentarja!

  9. Super, zelo uporabna primerjava. Do zdaj sploh nisem vedela, da ima tudi Manhattan mat nadlak, ampak je itak Essence lepši. :)

  10. Manhattnov mi je veliko bolj všeč. Sedaj pa študiram - bi ali ne bi. :)

  11. Buffy, hvala in se strinjam! ;)

    Gejba, v bistvu je zelo poceni s super čopičem, vsekakor ne bo zgrešen nakup, če ti je všeč finish. :)

  12. Very interesting. The best online store for women clothes for me is http://www.missholly.com.au/manhattan-coat/
    I have bought most of my clothes from there. Greetings!
